Where did the idea for Danger Alert Dogs™
To Protect & Love™ schools come from?
The idea came to me, in part, in January of 2019, when my mother died. My Mom was 92. Her beloved dog, Brid, helped keep her vital and happy. Many times a day Mom and Brid took mini walks together. Every waking hour of every day of her life Brid gave Mom unconditional love.
I flew out of Kennedy Airport home to Pittsburgh. When I got to JFK, I looked for the TSA pre-approved security line. I couldn't find it so I asked the TSA employee, “Where's the pre-approved line?” She said, “Oh, there isn’t one today. Everyone has to go the same way - THE DOG is here.” She said it with a certain reverence. As I’m waiting in line, I'm wondering if I have to take my shoes off. There's a TSA person standing there, so I say, “Excuse me, but do we have to take our shoes off? She says, “Oh no, not today. THE DOG is here.” Also declared with a touch of reverence. Then I found out why.
Everyone who flew out of JFK that day was funneled into a single-file line about 150 ft. long. Walking back and forth along the line sniffing all the travelers was THE DOG. THE DOG was a reddish terrier mix with curly fur and a nice smile, maybe 45 lbs. He happily provided security, wagging his tail, smiling while he sniffed, as his handler walked him back and forth alongside the line.
Many of us, standing there in the line, were smiling at THE DOG. The mood was a little brighter and a tad warmer as we watched THE DOG work, even though New Yorkers hate lines.
THE DOG that protected JFK looked like this little one, waiting at the Farmer’s Market.
I have two rescued dogs. My older one, Arthur, is a service dog. From the day I rescued Arthur he knew that when I leaned over, I got very dizzy and that he should stand there and hold me. Shelters everywhere are full of dogs who can learn to sniff out one thing every time. And that can be a gun.
They can also wag their tails and smile and beam unconditional love to everyone. Just like THE DOG did at JFK Airport. Just like Sailor does at Bloomberg Headquarters. Just like Mom’s dog, Brid, did every day.
My two rescued dogs,
Arthur & Nim,
send everyone love and peace.
DADs™ are always paired with a Loving Handler™
The mission of DADs™ & their Loving Handlers™ is to Protect & Love™.
They protect us by detecting and alerting us to the presence of firearms.
They love us by being a safe, gentle presence and a caring listener for our kids and anyone in need of a moment of unconditional love.
Dogs are capable of providing unconditional love to everyone. Children in schools need unconditional love very badly, some more than others. The ones that need it the most may bring a gun to school.
A lot of good can come from the mere presence of a loving dog and a gentle human.
A non-judgemental listener and Darling Adoring Dog walking the halls of a school can tone down bullying, and thereby, cut down on the anguish, isolation, and/or rage that often lead to mass shootings.
Loving Handlers™ are taught to listen to people utilizing the heartwarming icebreaker that is the presence of a dog. Interestingly, children will often read to dogs when they can’t to people.
Officer Bill Biroscak served as a beat cop for 35 years in Pittsburgh. He says,
“Sometimes the smallest thing can keep somebody from going over the edge and committing violence. It is possible that the presence of DADs can be that small difference, the thing that prevents the kid from wanting to bring the gun in the first place.”
At the top of my bucket list is transforming education. Most students will go through their entire educational career without a single moment of unconditional love from anybody.
My very short, very free eBook on this topic is here if you, too, are concerned by the lack of love in schools and want to do something about it.